From the Neighborhood to the Nations

From the neighborhood to the nations, at First Baptist Church we believe that the Great Commission was given to every follower of Jesus!  That means everyone who is saved by Christ is now used by Christ to take His name to the nations. 

We believe that we are all created to impact the nations for the glory of Jesus' name, especially the unreached. It is our prayer that the gospel will be proclaimed throughout our community and all over the world for the global fame of Christ Jesus. 

How is God sending you?

Want to Join us on the Mission?

Go on a Short-Term Trip

Want to be part of the movement to take the gospel to every nation, language, tribe, and people? Join us on a short-term mission opportunity through FBC BG. Click on the link below to apply to be a team member of one of our short-term mission trips. 

sending resources

We never cease to stop learning. As you prepare to go and serve cross-culturally, utilize the resources below to aid in your understanding of short-term missions and preparedness for the field. From sermons to guides, our goal is to equip you with what you need to impact the nations for the glory of Christ Jesus. 

  • Sermons

    Learn more about what the Bible says about going to the nations and how you can play a part in reaching every nation, language, tribe, and people for the glory of King Jesus. 

  • short-term team member guide

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this text area, you will see the filler text disappear.

  • Missionary Prayer

    Learn more about what the Bible says about going to the nations and how you can play a part in reaching every nation, language, tribe, and people for the glory of King Jesus.