Becoming a Member

Becoming a member of First Baptist Church means that you are joining your life with this body of Christian believers and that you will seek to grow and serve God as part of this covenant community.  Because church membership is such an important decision, we invite you to view our Church Covenant and Membership Expectations below and then contact us to discuss what it means to become a part of this Christian community.

Church Covenant

As members of First Baptist Church of Bowling Green, we joyfully confess our faith in God as revealed in Jesus Christ and affirm Him as the source of our life and hope.  We, therefore, freely give allegiance to His church in whose fellowship we strive to grow in faith and understanding.  We dedicate ourselves to the service of God in the world - recognizing in ourselves and affirming in others God's gifts of identity and individual worth.  Each member of this community of faith makes these solemn commitments:

  • I will seek to live according to the pattern of Jesus Christ, measuring my attitudes and actions toward others by His love.
  • I will sustain the public worship of God in word and symbol, celebrating His glory and remembering His grace.
  • I will be diligent in the study of the Scriptures through private and family devotions, patiently searching their teachings for divine instruction and guidance.
  • I will share in Christ's mission to the world, seeking through word and deed to make His love known to all people.
  • I will be a faithful steward, devoting my time, talents, and possessions to the enrichment and extension of ministry that addresses itself to the needs of the total person. 
  • I will sustain and nourish this fellowship of believers, encouraging each person in the pilgrimage of faith.
  • I will, as soon as possible, when I remove from this place, unite with some other church, of like faith and order, where I can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word.

Relying on the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, we seal this covenant with one another and with God as we pray - Eternal Father, Creator of all life, grant us Your presence and strength as we engage in fulfilling this commitment, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.

Expectations of Members


First Baptist Church shall consist of persons who are believers in Jesus Christ; who have experienced baptism by immersion; and for whom the Articles of Faith and the Church Covenant, as adopted by this church, are basic representations of their doctrinal and ethical convictions.


Candidates for membership may be accepted at regular business conferences or a special called business meeting for that purpose as determined by the Moderator or the Deacon Body on the basis of the following:

  • By public profession of faith in Jesus Christ as personal savior and requesting baptism at the hands of this church fellowship;
  • By transfer of church membership from another church of like faith and order;
  • By statement of experience of salvation through Christ and previous baptism by immersion.


Every member of First Baptist Church has the responsibility to be a public witness for Jesus Christ in this community and the larger world; to demonstrate commitment to the church through participation in its worship and ministry; to offer personal skills, gifts, abilities, and time through service to the church ministries and offices; and to practice Christian stewardship through financial support to the church and its causes, with emphasis on the tithe.