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Bible reading plan & Bulletins
2024 Church-Wide Bible Reading Plan
Read the Bible for Life by George H. Guthrie
4+1 Bible Reading Plan
Welcome to the "Read the Bible for Life 4 + 1 Plan." In using this plan you will read through the entire Bible in a year and through the Psalms twice. The advantage of this type of plan is that you will be exposed to various parts of the Old and New Testaments simultaneously, which will keep your reading very fresh and remind you of “the whole counsel of God”! The plan is “semi-chronological” at points, the prophets of the Old Testament and the letters of the New Testament placed in rough chronological order. There are 6 days of reading each week, giving you a day to rest or catch up with a missed reading. I pray you will enjoy your time in the Word this year! You can find other tools to help you read the Bible more effectively at
-George H. Guthrie
Progress through the plan in YouVersion, download a PDF version, or pick up a copy in the church office.